Excimer Laser

Eye laser treatment is one of the most commonly used methods in recent years. In particular, Excimer Eye Laser has been used in the treatment of many refractive errors in the eye for more than 20 years. This treatment method, also known as “Eye Drawing” among the public, is performed with a device called Excimer Laser. This device produces ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 193 nm using Ar F gas. Excimer Laser treatment is generally used in the treatment of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. This method is one of the most frequently used methods.

To whom is Excimer Laser applied?
Excimer treatment method can be applied to those who are over 18 years of age and whose eye number has not changed from 0.50 to 0.50 in the last year, and to those who have myopia up to -9.0 and hyperopia and astigmatism up to +5. Excimer also; It can be applied to those whose corneal thickness is sufficient, who do not have diseases such as rheumatism and diabetes, and who do not have other eye diseases. The important thing in excimer laser treatment is to first check whether the eye is suitable for this treatment before the surgery. Excimer laser treatment can be applied to people with refractive errors in their eyes. The most important symptoms of refractive errors are pain, discomfort and decreased vision in the eyes. Vision defects such as nearsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism are refractive errors.

Who Cannot Apply?
While the excimer treatment method can be applied to some patients, it cannot be applied to some conditions. People to whom this treatment method cannot be applied can be listed as follows:
• Those who have rheumatic disease
• Those with diabetes
• Pregnant women
• Women who are breastfeeding babies
• People with keratoconus
• Those with eye pressure (partial)
• Those with cataracts

About Excimer Laser Treatment
There are some points to consider before and after excimer laser treatment. These:
• There is no harm in eating on the day of treatment.
• If there is a medication used regularly, the doctor should be informed.
• Eye make-up should not be applied on the day of the operation.
• Perfume should not be applied on the day of the operation.

Treatment Process:
• You will be given sedative medication about 45 minutes before the surgery. The reason for giving this medication is to relieve the excitement of surgery.
• Before the operation, you will be asked to wear a cap and shirt to provide a sterile environment. Additionally, a pair of slippers used only in this section will also be worn.
• Before starting the treatment process, you will lie on your back on the laser bed and keep your head straight. After this procedure, an antiseptic solution will be applied to your eyelids and a sterile cover will be covered. Then, the treatment method will be applied according to the type of operation. Comfort during the surgery will shorten the surgery time.
• After the treatment is completed, antibiotic drops will be placed in your eyes and you will be able to wait 30 minutes and return home after the check-up.

• It is normal for you to have blurred vision after excimer treatment. You may feel stinging, watering and burning in your eyes for about 2 hours after the procedure.
• Pain is rare after the procedure and can be relieved with a mild painkiller.
• You should not put or rub your hands on your eyes after the procedure.
• Again, you should not wash your face after the surgery.
• One should not watch anything on television or computer, nor should one read books or newspapers.
• Do not take a bath or wash your face.
• You need to have a short check-up at the hospital the day after the treatment. After this check-up, you can continue your normal life.
• You must come for a check-up in the 1st week and 1st month after the procedure.
• You should not wear make-up for 10 days after the procedure and should not swim in the sea or the pool for 20 days.
• You can take a bath after the check-up the day after the treatment, but you should avoid getting shampoo and soap in your eyes.