Low-Radiation Bone Density Measurement - QCT

At our center, ‘Bone Density Measurement’ (QCT) is performed with our Low-Radiation Tomography device, which provides more accurate results than the traditional method.

Coronary Angiography with Computed Tomography

You can have Coronary Angiography with Computed Tomography in 5 minutes, without worrying about vascular occlusion or being hospitalized.

Hair Transplant Clinic

Hair transplantation can be easily performed on all individuals over the age of 22 who have hair loss problems.

Commonly used methods in hair transplantation are FUE and DHI methods.

Information and Appointment Form

To get detailed information and make an appointment, fill out the form and we will call you.


    The most common visual impairment due to aging is cataract. It is the most common disease that causes blindness worldwide, and its only treatment is to surgically remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial lens.

    Even if the patient has no complaints, cataracts can be noticed during a routine eye examination. Cataracts cannot be prevented or treated with diet or medication. The only option is surgical intervention.

    HPV Vaccine

    HPV VACCINE, which provides a high level of protection against cervical cancer, can be administered to every woman from the age of 9 without an upper age limit.

    HPV VACCINE for men is administered until the age of 26. All men between the ages of 9 and 26 can get HPV VACCINE.


    Rhinoplasty surgery is a method used to overcome difficulties that generally occur in respiratory processes and reduce the quality of life.

    In order for the procedure to provide a life-long solution, the physician who manages the surgical procedure throughout the process must be an expert, experienced and knowledgeable in his field.


    You can be protected from bowel cancer with regular colonoscopy!

    If you have had bowel polyp problems before, you can be protected from bowel cancer by having colonoscopy check-ups at regular intervals and ensuring that bowel polyps are diagnosed early and removed during colonoscopy.

    Information and Appointment


    Health Corner

    Ulthera Non-Surgical Face Lift

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    Dental Treatment for Heart and Hypertension Patients

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    Coronary CT Angiography Procedure

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